EBSCO Industries is excited to announce a new employee-led community giving initiative – EBSCO Community Impact.This funding and volunteer program is designed to help EBSCO team members create positive results through the service and support provided by the company. In 2019, five to ten organizations who support one or more of EBSCO’s five community pillars – Education, Environment, Social Services, Health, and the Arts – will be awarded grants to help further their mission.If you are a member of a non-profit organization that associates itself with one of the pillars mentioned above, we encourage you to visit EBSCOind.com/communityimpact to learn more about the program and the process for submitting a grant request. If, instead, you know of an organization that would benefit from this program, please share the site and information with the appropriate people.We look forward to learning more about the ways in which different organizations are making a difference in our community!Grant Application Deadline: September 14, 2018Visit EBSCO Community Impact