BIRMINGHAM, Ala.–Publishers’ Warehouse, an EBSCO Industries company, is proud to announce its engagement with the Alabama State Department of Education to support teachers and students with personalized repositories for learning materials. EBSCOed provides a centralized platform and support system placing all digital materials, including digital textbooks for teachers and students, in one location.Currently, learning materials are located on various platforms with separate logins, meaning lost instructional time. Remote learning compounds this challenge. “This is a game-changer for the way that teachers and students interact,” said Kent Donges, chief revenue officer, STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning, Inc. “During the pandemic and beyond, we are excited to partner with EBSCOed and Publishers’ Warehouse to provide Alabama teachers and students with a central source for digital textbooks.”EBSCOed, built in partnership by Publishers’ Warehouse and EBSCO Information Services’ Stacks, launched in the spring of 2020 to quickly support Alabama students, teachers, and parents as they transitioned to distance learning. As Alabama classrooms move forward, the platform will support in-class and remote instruction—integrating with learning management systems to provide a single user workflow for collaboration.“EBSCOed does more than provide streamlined access to the publisher resources purchased by schools,” said Kristin Delwo, founder of Stacks and vice president, SaaS Product & Technology Innovation at EBSCO. “The professional services provided by the Stacks team and the interoperability with learning management systems makes EBSCOed an essential partner for efficient classrooms.”“The rapid response to support distance learning has been a challenge in Alabama and across the nation, but the innovation instigated by these efforts will improve the future of learning,” noted Lisa Silver, president, Publishers’ Warehouse.EBSCOed is anticipated to be fully integrated with Alabama’s Schoology learning management system by December 2020 and will have the capability to integrate with other systems to improve access and connect teachers and students with the digital resources they need, when and where they need them.